St. Leander School takes pride in its tradition of excellence. This tradition should be evident in those who come in contact with representatives of the school. The best representatives of any school are its students. Therefore, certain basic regulations exist for dress and grooming. These regulations are in the interest of creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and in demonstrating our pride in St. Leander School.
Students may wear the class sweatshirt available from the uniform company. Upon acceptance to the high school, eighth-grade students may wear the sweatshirt representing their high school.
Seventh Grade Students
Students may wear their sweatshirt from Outdoor Education providing it is appropriately sized.
All Grades
All students may wear the grey Gaels sweatshirt.
The school regards Free Dress Day as a privilege and expects students to conform to rules of good taste and dress appropriately.
The decision of the Principal and Vice-principal as to what is acceptable dress for any student will be final. If a student comes to school inappropriately dressed, parents will be called to bring a change of clothes.
Free Dress will be permitted at the discretion of the Principal and will be noted on the school calendar. Student Council will notify parents of Special Dress for Spirit Days.
The following are not allowed on Free Dress days:
•tight or baggy/saggy pants
•biker, or exercise shorts/pants
•miniskirts, tank tops, crop tops, bare midriffs, or halter tops
•wallet chains
•shirts advertising alcoholic beverages, objectionable groups, or other
inappropriate sayings
Cosmetics are not to be brought to school. Makeup is not to be worn. This includes nail polish other than clear. If a student has pierced ears, small post earnings (no hoops) may be worn, and only one small earring per ear is allowed. The following are not allowed:
white, short or long sleeved blouse
white or navy polo
blue plaid jumper for grades PreK-3
blue plaid skirt for grades 4-8
solid white or navy blue socks, knee socks, or tights (black, white or navy)
uniform navy shorts (optional) or pants
shoes in solid colors of solid white, or black only – no patterns
athletic or buckle shoes are acceptable
uniform navy blue cardigan, vest, polar fleece jacket or sweatshirt (no hoods)
white uniform short or long sleeved shirt
white or navy polo
navy uniform pants or shorts
uniform navy blue cardigan, vest, polar fleece jacket or sweatshirt (no hoods)
solid white or navy blue socks
athletic shoes in solid colors of solid white, or black only – no patterns
shoes must be laced and tied
Only white tee-shirts with no printing or logos may be worn under uniform blouses and shirts. Shirts and blouses are to be tucked in. Long sleeved white turtlenecks (optional for boys and girls) are allowed. A uniform top with collar showing must be worn under sweater or sweatshirt. Uniform skirts and shorts should reach almost to the knees. Socks are to be worn at all times. Socks must be visible above the shoe line and must cover the anklebones for safety reasons. If a student wears hightop shoes, socks must be visible above the top of the shoe. For safety reasons, no slip-on shoes are allowed at any time. Sweats may be worn only on P.E. days. No saggy/baggy pants are to be worn at anytime.
**Mass Days – uniform sweater, vest, sweatshirt or fleece jacket is required**
•Shoes with inappropriate logos
•Saggy/baggy pants
•Flashing or lighted shoes
Only uniform polar fleece jackets, sweatshirts or sweaters may be worn within the school building and in the church for morning prayer on Tuesday.
Students are not allowed to change clothes before they leave school unless they are in the SLED program or have a written request from their parents for a specific occasion.